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Sed de origine nervorum a corde opinio per nostri temporis anatomen iam falsa comperta est: ii enim a cerebro tamquam a stirpe per totum corpus diffundi observantur. Quare in glandula pineali animum humanum veluti in specula Carthesiani collocant, et inde omnes corporis motus per nervos excipere, et per motus obiecta speculari opinantur. Atqui saepe homines cerebro deminuti, et vivere, et moveri, et sentire, et ratione feliciter uti observatum.

Giambattista Vico: Opere I Le Orazioni Inaugurali, Il de Italorum Sapiente, E le Polemiche, De antiquissima Italorum Sapientia, Liber Primus. Metaphysicus, CAPUT V: iii, De animi sede

Giambattista Vico: Opere

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ISBN: 978-1-57085-244-2

Language: Italian, Latin

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Giambattista Vico. Detail: Engraving after portrait by Francesco Solimena

Vico, Giambattista. Opere di G.B. Vico, 8 volumes in 11, edited by Fausto Nicolini, Bari: Laterza, 1911–41.

Textual note: We have included all text from the Nicolini edition authored by Vico as well as Nicolini's footnotes, but we have not included Nicolini's appendices, introductions, etc.

We have begun introducing variants into the text which are marked with a dagger (†). Generally these variants are spelling differences between the Nicolini text and the original edition, but occasionally more significant variants are noted. We have not noted variant punctuation, accents, or certain modernizations.

Variants are drawn from:

  • Giambattista Vico, Le orazioni inaugurali. I-VI in Opere di G. Vico, Vol. I. Bologna, Il Mulino, 1982, 68-208, 248-250.
  • _____. Marco Veneziani, De nostri temporis studiorum ratione. Prima redazione inedita dal ms. XIII B 55 della Bibl. Naz. di Napoli. Indici e ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Napoli 1709. Firenze, Olschki, 2000, 347-374.
  • _____. Principj di scienza nuova d'intorn oalla comune natura delle nazioni. In Napoli 1744, Nella Stamperia Muziana.
  • _____. De Antiquissima Italorum Sapientia ex Linguae Latinae Originibus eruenda libri tres Joh. Baptistae a Vico. Neapolitani Regii Eloquentiae Professoris. NEAPOLI, MDCCX. Ex Typographia Felicis Mosca.

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—The Charleston Advisor
Reviewed by: Helene C. Williams
English Bibliographer for the Humanities
Collection Development
Widener Library
Harvard University