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ISBN: 978-1-57085-238-1
Language: Danish
Søren Kierkegaard at his High Desk, an oil painting in the Frederiksborg Museum by Luplau Janssen, published in Walter Lowrie's Kierkegaard (London: Oxford University Press, 1938), facing page 389
List of ContentsKierkegaard, Søren. Kierkegaard: Samlede værker. Electronic editor Alastair McKinnon. Charlottesville: InteLex Corporation, 1995. _____. Samlede værker. Udgivet af A. B. Drachman, J. L. Heiberg og H. O. Lange. 3. udg.gennemset og ajourføt af Peter P. Rohde. København: Gyldendal, 1962-1964. _____. Samlede Værker. Udg. af A. B. Drachmann, J. L. Heiberg og H. O. Lange; 1. Udg. I-XIV. Gyldendal, København: 1901-06. _____. Samlede Værker. Udg. af A. B. Drachmann, J. L. Heiberg og H. O. Lange; 2. Udg. I-XIV. Gyldendal, København: 1920-36. _____. Oeuvres complètes. par P. H. Tisseau et E. M. Jacquet-Tisseau; 20 vol., éd de l'Orante, Paris; 1966-86. _____. Gesammelte Werke. Herausgegeben und aus dem Dänischen übertragen von Emmanuel Hirsch, Hayo Gerdes u.a.; 36 Abteilungen in 26 Einzelbänden. Eugen Diederichs Verlag, Düsseldorf; 1954-65. Indhold
NotesText edited by Prof. Alastair McKinnon, McGill University, and based primarily on the third edition. Page numbers from five different editions. The text of Kierkegaard: Samlede Værker is a corrected version of the third edition published by Gyldendal, Copenhagen: 1962; but references to other editions and translations are also provided on the reference line at the top of your screen. This line shows the page number of the first line of the folio in which your cursor is presently positioned in the Danish third (D3), first (D1) and second (D2) collected editions and in the English (Et), French (Ft) and German (Gt) translations. The English translations are those current during the years 1964-70 when this project was begun and are shown following the Introductions to volumes I, II and III of Alastair McKinnon, The Kierkegaard Indices, Brill, Leiden: 1970-75. The French translation is that of Editions de l'Orante, Paris: 1966-86 and the German that of Eugen Diederichs Verlag, Düsseldorf: 1954-65. The titles of individual volumes in the three Danish editions and in these translations are shown below together with their respective title codes. Note that in some cases the paragraph breaks of particular translations do not perfectly match those of the Danish third edition. |
It is a wonderful resource for serious textual studies of Kierkegaard. It is very user friendly. I haven't plumbed all its features yet, since I've been busy chasing down particular terms for my current research. |