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ISBN: 978-1-57085-519-1
Language: English translation & Latin
St. Francis of Assisi. Fresco by the Maestro di Frate Francesco, in the Capella di San Gregorio at the Monastero di San Benedetto. The only existing image that was completed during his life, probably before 1224
List of ContentsFrom New City Press and Porziuncola, Francis of Assisi: Early Documents contains English translations and the corresponding authoritative Latin of the earliest documents describing Francis of Assisi and founding of his order. Francis of Assisi: Early Documents. Edited by Regis J. Armstrong, O.F.M., J. A. Wayne Hellmann, O.F.M., and William J. Short, O.F.M. 3 vols. Hyde Park, N.Y.: New City Press, 1999-2001. _____. Fontes Franciscani. A cura di Enrico Menestò e Stefano Brufani, e di Giuseppe Cremascoli ... [et al.]; apparati di Giovanni M. Boccali. Assisi: Porziuncola, 1995. |
[InteLex] Past Masters databases, on the other hand, include the text of highly-respected, complete, scholarly editions and translations . . . appealing to a broad user spectrum, from casual readers and und ergraduates searching for an online version of a text to scholars performing high-level research. |